miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010


If I had superpowers, like invisibility, flying, reading minds ... Would I use them only in special cases, because they would always use a bit boring between mortals. However, in some cases, used to help people, to visit my boyfriend, have a life more risky and fight against evil.The power I would most like to possess would be invisible and fly. The fusion of both would give me the chance to do things that now I can not do as a mortal. For example, you could travel the world without the need to take a plane, would monitor people without being seen.Another superpower that I would have is to teleport, because it would be easy to fool mortals. And I could convey to other dimensions, or the same past.
I hope that one day takes place in human evolution, and have super powers. But for this to happen, humans must learn to use what is the correct way.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Newspapers of USA

USA Today
U.S. Today is a national American daily newspaper published by Gannett. It was founded by Al Neuharth It claims to break with traditional newspapers (sometimes considered too gray, full of words and without color), with a style full of great diagrams and photographs. It is also known for his surveys on the views of the American public. Its sports section is particularly popular because of this and his extensive coverage of events.
Opinion : It has a colorful design. The way to facilitate the reading makes it more dynamic to readers.

The New York Times

The New York Times is a newspaper published in New York City by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., which is distributed in the United States and
many other countries.Talk about news in general.

Opinion : Its design is quite striking, because it uses old letters, but at the same time has its modern touches. It is a serious newspaper, with comprehensive information.

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is a financial newspaper founded by the U.S. company Dow Jones & Company. It is characterized by promoting and supporting the free mercadosu trend is conservative.

Opinion : I like it because it is related to the economy. Still, your format is colorful and striking. But for people working in this field is very useful to them because they receive more complete information.

The Orange County
The Orange County Register is a daily newspaper published in Santa Ana, California.It's a diary related to politics. It is conservative and libertarian-leaning editorial page. Often supports Republican politicians.

Opinion: It is a diary with a striking design and color. I personally do not like it because it is related to more political issues. This journal uses many pictures and pretty text.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


Since childhood I have had many dreams. But there has always been a dream inside of me, and is to be a great designer. For me, life is a dream come true. Your goals and fulfill you propose is the greatest satisfaction.
Another of my great dreams is to live in Africa, and live a different reality from mine, and able to help people. For this and many other reasons, I want to study dentistry, because through this race, I can help many people who can not afford to go to a dentist.
The truth is that I have many dreams that I still have to comply....

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Global warming

Global warming is a rise in average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans, causing changes in the environment harmful. This increase would have increased in the last decades of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century.

Global warming due to climate change can be seen in studies of certain phenomena, such as shrinking glaciers, rising sea levels and weather changes, caused because the temperature has increased worldwide from 1900. Another factor is the anthropogenic climate change, which consider the influence of human activity, leading to a greater extent the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is referred to the retention by certain atmospheric gases, produced for example, by industry-energy part of the soil produced as a result of being heated by solar radiation.

Many organizations are concerned that global warming effects that may occur are extremely negative, even catastrophic both globally and in specific vulnerable areas.
These effects include not only environmental but economic and biological impacts that could affect the welfare of humanity.
Another concern is the rising sea levels. The change in the ecosystem is producing some species may be forced to emigrate from their habitats to avoid extinction due to changing conditions,
while other species can spread. Few ecoregions can expect not to be affected.

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

The Resurrection

After being crusified Jesus resurrecter. That's why the catholic religion celebrates on sunday the resurrection.
This day at the end at easter week, witch has three very important days, known as " Christ Passion".
During this whole time, catholics can't eat red meat an we try to be in family.
By tradition, children receive chocolates eggs. Personally, I received many chocolates, rich and sweet. I eat lots of chocolates, all the time.

Greetings fellow!<3